
Let Your Voice Be Heard Through Our Surveys

Help us shape our group’s direction with your input to our surveys. Let us know your thoughts and needs. Show us where the greatest health needs are.

Surveys are great opportunities to share your thoughts and experiences. This gives us a great snapshot of what is going on in our community at a single point in time. If it has been awhile since service and you forgot some of the lingo, check out our Glossary of RPCV terms.

In certain surveys, your participation will be anonymous. In some surveys, we ask for your name and email to follow up as needed. And in other surveys, we offer an option.

Take our surveys

We do not share the actual responses with any other group or agency, including Peace Corps or NPCA. If we post a survey that is jointly hosted with another organization who may have access to the responses, that will be clearly posted before you begin the survey.

But be patient with us as we are just a small group of volunteers doing our best. It may take a little while for us to process the survey results and take action.

Please answer as honestly as you can to give us the best picture possible. Your voice counts!

Help us spread the word. The more responses we get, the clearer the picture becomes. And the better we can assist this community.

RPCV Health Crusade’s Current Survey

RPCV-HC Accessibility (A11Y) Event Interest Survey

An accessible and inclusive approach to any technology benefits everyone. So who is interested in coming together to improve our websites and/or social media posting to be more inclusive and effective? Generate more traffic to your website without paying for it. Learn how to make your website rank higher by search engines.

This survey is just to gauge interest of the RPCV community. Sharing your email address gets advance notice on the event (and free audit) signup.

Do you have a website that needs some help? Can you offer some help in website accessibility? Or, do you want to learn more about how to make your social media postings be more inclusive and reach more people? Fill out our survey and let us know where the interest is or isn’t.

RPCV-HC Accessibility (A11Y) Event Interest Survey
We will let you know when the event gets scheduled and/or followup on your interest to help with the event
It wouldn’t be an RPCV form if we didn’t ask for this!
Are you an RPCV or PCV?
1. Are you interested in an event to improve website accessibility?
2. Are you interested in an event to improve your social media accessibility?
3. How knowledgeable are you with applying accessibility and wcag to digital media?
4. Do you use a11y features or assistive technology?
5. Which website platforms do you use?
Let us know which platform you need to improve or are comfortable to help with.
6. Which social media channels do you use?
7. Are you interested in a free website accessibility audit?
If you provided your email, you will get advance notice of free website audit signups
Let us know if you have any specific accessibility challenges or complaints

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