COVID-19 Vaccine Information
RPCV Health Crusade hopes that Returned Peace Corps Volunteers (RPCVs) make health decisions based on valid research and personal health needs. We searched and collected covid-19 vaccine information from a variety of government sources so that everyone can make decisions based on valid health information.
There are ample statistics that people who received the covid-19 vaccine have less severe symptoms. However, there are some unknowns about the vaccine’s long term effects or the impacts of the vaccine to certain populations. Were people with disabilities and other critical medical situations included in the studies and statistics? And unfortunately, some people have turned a critical health situation into opportunities for power manipulation or political gains.
As usual, this is an effort from a group of volunteer RPCVs. You should always confirm any and all information before relying on it.
Who Can Get a Covid-19 Vaccine or Booster?
Every adult in the USA is eligible to get vaccinated regardless of immigration or health insurance status. US states, territories, local, or tribal locations cannot require citizenship verification for a vaccination. However, there are changing restrictions on the age of who can be vaccinated. Check the CDC page for Covid-19 vaccines for children and teens for the latest guidelines on who is eligible.
There are studies that show that immunity from the vaccines fade over time. For people who have received the full dosage of the vaccine already, the vaccine booster shot could maximize or “boost” the vaccine’s effectiveness. The CDC does recommend but not require booster shots. Check the CDC page for the latest guidance on the Covid-19 vaccine booster shots.
How Much Does It Cost?
Covid-19 vaccinations are supposed to be free to get.
All organizations participating in the CDC COVID-19 Vaccination Program:
- must administer COVID-19 Vaccine with no out-of-pocket cost to the recipient
- may not deny anyone the vaccination based immigration or health insurance status
- cannot charge an office visit or other fee if COVID-19 vaccination is the sole medical service provided
- cannot require additional medical services to receive COVID-19 vaccination
- may seek appropriate reimbursement from an insurance, government program/plan, or HRSA that covers COVID-19 Vaccine administration fees for the vaccine recipient
- cannot seek any administration fees, copays, coinsurance, or reimbursement, including through balance billing, from the vaccine recipient
Where Can You Get the Covid-19 Vaccine?
RPCV Health Crusade previously assembled a list of covid testing locations by state, territory, and region. We wanted to help bridge the gap to lack of coordination on covid testing. But there is much better coordination and information across the country for covid vaccinations.
- Vaccine Finder helps locate Covid-19 vaccination locations near you
- helps you locate a place to get the covid-19 vaccine
- Some pharmacies, grocery stores, health centers, and hospitals are verified covid vaccine providers
- Federally Supported Community Vaccination Centers
When you get the covid vaccine, medical personnel will monitor you for 15-30 minutes. This is to check for immediate allergic reaction or other symptoms from the vaccination. Some people have experienced different side effects. Some side effects are mild and some more severe. Side effects after the second shot may be more intense that those from the first shot. But if your side effects concern you, contact a medical provider.
Talk to a medical provider before taking any over-the-counter or prescription medication with the vaccine. But avoid taking anything before the vaccine to try to prevent the covid vaccine side effects.
Where Can You Get More Covid-19 Vaccine Information?
- Center for Disease Control and Prevention attempts to answer some of the frequently asked questions about the covid-19 vaccine.
- Pfizer vaccine – FDA’s authorization and other information
- Moderna vaccine – FDA’s authorization and other information
- Johnson & Johnson vaccine – FDA’s authorization and other information