Tag: Returned Peace Corps Volunteers (RPCV)

Tackling Care Package Challenges

Getting a care package from home means a lot to Peace Corps Volunteers (PCVs). It might contain items that you need for your service assignment. There may be items for you to share with your host family or counterpart. But regardless of what is in that care package, just receiving one could mean a significant…
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Learn In-Country Dining Rituals

Going to the local ethnic restaurant in your US hometown is very different than dining out in your Peace Corps host country. And Peace Corps Volunteers (PCVs) taking meals with Host Country Nationals (HCNs) is an experience in itself. Make the effort to learn the expected dining rituals in your host country. Learn the about…
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Share Your Packing Suggestions

RPCV Health Crusade needs your packing suggestions and ideas. Applicants, Invitees, and Peace Corps Volunteers (PCVs) keep asking for suggestions. They want to know how to pack and what to take. Despite being entirely volunteer run (and self-funded), we decided to help assemble a list and house it on this website so that it is…
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Pay Attention to Your Breathing Patterns

Our breathing patterns are often subconscious. When we are stressed, we anticipate something negative. Then our bodies go into fight or flight mode. Our breathing pattern changes. But this is not healthy to stay in that mode. We need to be conscious of when this happens. We need to learn how to go back to…
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The Culture of Food

Is there really a culture of food? Yes, food is a culture in itself. There could be generations of stories and traditions in the recipes, preparation methods, eating, and more. And the version of food at a restaurant in the USA is not usually the same recipe that you get in country. In the USA,…
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100+ Ways to Save on Prescription Costs

Returned Peace Corps Volunteers (RPCVs) shared some of their medical challenges with RPCV Health Crusade. Medical healthcare, prescription costs, and prescription medication access are consistently at the top of the list of concerns. According to academic researchers, the cost of medical challenges causes 66.5% of all bankruptcies in the USA. While employer-sponsored health insurance is…
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Recognizing Prescription Medication Access Challenges

The USA is arguably one of the richest countries in the world. Yet, many in the USA cannot afford adequate medical care or prescriptions. Access to prescription medication can be limited. Many have to choose between the high cost of their prescription medication and other basic necessities like food or rent. For some, the largest…
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Is there an International Gesture for Help?

Yes, there is an international gesture for help! But don’t jump up and call the police as soon as you see it. They may just want you to check in on them. But if it is someone you don’t know giving you that signal, then you need to get some immediate help. The person in…
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Can You Donate Medication?

First, gather all the unused prescription medication that you no longer need. Second, check the label to determine what you should do with it. Do you have to dispose it? Or, can you donate that medication? If that medication has expired or was not correctly stored, it needs to be properly disposed. If the medication…
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How to Safely Dispose Medication

Many of us have unfinished or expired prescriptions in the house. Over-the-counter medication also expires. It is not safe to keep them around. But do you know how to safely dispose medication? If you flush it or wash it down the drain, it ends up in the sewage system. Pharmaceuticals can navigate through the water…
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