Reflections from Our EPCV Peer Support Sessions

The Evacuated Peace Corps Volunteers (EPCVs) just went through a frenzied worldwide evacuation due to the covid-19 pandemic. Peace Corps sent them home to uncertainty. EPCVs had many questions but Peace Corps did not have many answers. Where could they safely stay during a pandemic? Would they get any financial assistance from the government? How…
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Evolution of the RPCV Health Crusade Support Program

The Evolution of the RPCV Health Crusade Support Program

RPCV Health Crusade was in research mode. What should we put into a support program to help with the broad health needs of PCVs and RPCVs? We began with listing support resources into the Resource Library. We thought we had plenty of time to slowly build the RPCV Health Crusade Support Program. But then, the…
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Are EPCVs Reapplying to Peace Corps Penalized for Seeking Mental Health Therapy?

A single country Peace Corps evacuation is traumatic enough. But when Peace Corps evacuates every one of the nearly 7,000 PCVs during a global pandemic and financial downslide, the impact is unimaginable. Since this has never happened in the history of Peace Corps, what are the rules? What if the evacuated Peace Corps Volunteers (EPCVs)…
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